Thursday, June 14, 2012

Number 18

The reading "kick" has begun again. Last November, I started reading the Harry Potter books (worth it!). I was a little ashamed that I had waited so long to get into it, but I have no regrets. I also read the Hunger Games books in a matter of weeks. I won't state my opinion of them on such a public forum. Anyway, I then read Love Wins by Rob Bell and Erasing Hell by Francis Chan back-to-back. They are both VERY interesting reads and worth opening your mind up to different views of heaven and hell. Honestly, I think the two authors would eventually agree that their bottom line is the same. They just say it in different ways.

I don't think I've ever read that much in a matter of months. I was pretty impressed with myself. Since I'm such a slow reader, I've always viewed reading as almost a chore. But I've started making myself believe that I can read a whole book in a few days, and it won't be a waste of my time. So now I'm getting back on and have started reading From Eternity to Here by Frank Viola. I don't have much to say about it because I'm only a few pages in. I will get back to you guys when I'm finished. I just thought I would let you know that I'm working on #18 on my list.

Stay tuned for the next post which will probably be about our dog, June!

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