Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June, like the month

This is a brag post. We have a child and her name is June. She is a dog. She is also a smart dog. Among her many amazing abilities, she can sit, stay, lay down, roll over (only in the grass AND we didn't teach it to her), and get in the tub when we tell her to whether it's for a bath or not. She has many nicknames which include but not limited to Juney, Juney Bear, Juney Balloony, Junith, Juners, Biggun, and Buttcheeks (it really is a term of endearment coming from Mitch). Below is a timeline and an imagery exemplifying her awesomeness as the best friend of the Browns. Please enjoy.

This is when Mitch picked her up from the Lee County Human Society. She had brothers and sisters. Mitch was planning to get a boy, but he seemed uninterested. June was curious and care-free. She hasn't changed a bit.

 This was right after her little spading surgery... pitiful. :(

What a little sausage! Sorry they're blurry, but I think you would die from the cuteness if they were any clearer.

She learned to be a model at a young age. Such personality!

 The terrible twos (in dog years)! She really wasn't bad at all. Mitch quickly establish his role as the pack leader.

And these are her teenage years. One or both her ears always seems to be flipped back. She doesn't care though. She knows she's still cute. 

And then she grew up. 

Some of her hobbies include sticks, jumping for sticks, and swimming to rescue the sticks. She also loves tennis balls. 

 ... and backpacking.
 ...and resting her head on Daddy's shoulder.
...and falling asleep in the car.

She has been our constant companion.  

But things are always bigger, better, more than what they seem. Mitch and I are dog lovers. I think our love for dogs has grown since we've been together. Because we have June, we get to have something in common. We go to the park, the creek, the pond together. That in turn gets us away from the tv and out enjoying things that God intended for us to enjoy... together... as a married couple. We are incredibly blessed, and June is one awesome example of that.

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