We will begin with #25: My husband's graduation and PAR-TAY on December 8th. I documented this one. Enjoy the photos!
I started out the morning by surprising Mitch was a bow tie. He's just the cutest when he wears them! It was a success!
We then took a first class ride in his graduation present from his parents: a new truck! (Gilligan is in the background giddy with excitment about being able to be pulled by Gary- the name we gave the truck)
Samford Hall
Oh yeah, he's going places!
And then, we partied- complete with steak, baked potatoes, grape salad, and CAKE!
And now for the rest of the list. I'll start back at the top:
#2: Work on my sister's "scrapbook"
I had an idea back in April for my sister and I to start a scrapbook each to give to the other at Christmas. This scrapbook could include anything we wanted to share with the other: things we've learned in our first year of marriage (she and I got married two and a half months apart), things God has shown us through the year, our favorite recipes, etc. It was actually like a personal blog to my sister in paper form. Because we live so far away from each other, this helped us to keep each other in mind throughout the year and share personal things that would otherwise be hard to say over the phone. Big success!
I had an idea back in April for my sister and I to start a scrapbook each to give to the other at Christmas. This scrapbook could include anything we wanted to share with the other: things we've learned in our first year of marriage (she and I got married two and a half months apart), things God has shown us through the year, our favorite recipes, etc. It was actually like a personal blog to my sister in paper form. Because we live so far away from each other, this helped us to keep each other in mind throughout the year and share personal things that would otherwise be hard to say over the phone. Big success!
#3: Eat out less... WAY less.
I'm not sure if I totally achieved this goal. With money tight for us, we already had to be aware of how many times we ate out. I think we did a pretty good job seeing as how we still have money at the end of the year. God provides!
#6: Go camping- preferably in North Carolina
Well, we didn't make it to North Carolina, but we did go to Cheaha State Park... twice. The first was in March before I started this blog. We went with some friends of ours. Being March, the days were perfect and the nights were chilly which made fires extra cozy.
The second time was with Mitch's family. His sister wanted to take her kids for the first time. This made me look forward to when we have kids and can take them camping. I have such fond memories with my family growing up! That's all we ever did for vacation!
This time it was in October. Another beautiful time of the year. It was much colder then and our first night was a doozy! We did eat like kings and queens though! Mitch made a make-shift grill to place directly over the fire. He's such an engineer! I think my nieces really enjoyed it. And I hope they can look forward to the next time they get to go!
This time it was in October. Another beautiful time of the year. It was much colder then and our first night was a doozy! We did eat like kings and queens though! Mitch made a make-shift grill to place directly over the fire. He's such an engineer! I think my nieces really enjoyed it. And I hope they can look forward to the next time they get to go!
#9: Learn something new about my husband
At the moment, I can't pinpoint a specific thing that I learned about him. I did think about this goal often this year, and I can most certainly say I know my husband better than I did a year ago. This goal is going on my lifetime goal's list.
#11: Make gifts instead of buying them
I didn't get as crafty as I wanted to this year (working full time really does take up your FULL time). However, I managed to squeak out a few homemade gifts. My first was coasters out of terracotta pot holders. You can find out how to make them yourself by going here. I made them for a friend who got married! I think it's a nice personal touch if you can't find any coasters you like. And they are cheap to make!
I didn't get as crafty as I wanted to this year (working full time really does take up your FULL time). However, I managed to squeak out a few homemade gifts. My first was coasters out of terracotta pot holders. You can find out how to make them yourself by going here. I made them for a friend who got married! I think it's a nice personal touch if you can't find any coasters you like. And they are cheap to make!
My second homemade gift was vanilla extract. That's right! Vodka + vanilla beans = vanilla extract. Here's a more detailed guide on how to make it. I made this for my brother-in-law who actually went to culinary school and is a whiz in the kitchen! It was basically a year's supply of extract for a lot less than you can buy in the store!
#14: Exercise at least twice a week
In the summer, a friend and I started going to Zumba about once a week. I love Zumba! And then another friend of mine suggested kickboxing, so we started going to that... I don't love kickboxing as much as Zumba, but I sweat a whole lot more when kickboxing. That probably means it's better for me.
And THEN, I heard of a program called Couch to 5K that was free and at a convenient time (aka after work). We met twice a week (goal= check!) and did intervals of walking and running over a period of two months- decreasing the walking and increasing the running each week. I also tried to squeeze in a third run toward the end of the program to keep the pace going. At the end, we signed up for a 5K and I ran the whole thing! That's something I've wanted to do, but couldn't get the motivation to do it. The key is to start small. It did take me about 36 minutes to finish. I guess I'm proud of that. But I'm most proud of running jogging the whole time. This is going on my list again for 2013.
#15: Get better at putting up the laundry... and the dishes
I started out strong, I promise! This was a goal mainly for the hubs. We all have our special chores that just HAVE to be done. Mine is clearing the clutter. It just bothers me when things are out of order. My husband's are the laundry and the dishes- something I've never been good at! However, marriage is about laying down yourself for the sake of the other. And I can completely understand why these things are important to him. I'm just not good at it! I'm still a work in progress and I'm going to pull the "full time job" card again for my reason why I'm not a master at it yet. I would say though that I achieved the goal: I am BETTER at it!
#17: Slip-n-slide party
I tried, guys! The hubs just didn't think it would be that fun... I believe he is wrong on this one. So I didn't achieve it, but I really did try!
I tried, guys! The hubs just didn't think it would be that fun... I believe he is wrong on this one. So I didn't achieve it, but I really did try!
#22: Learn to be determined
I started realizing at the beginning of the year that I can do anything I want. I don't mean that in an arrogant way either. I mean, I have the ability to do what I want. I can make decisions AND act on those decisions. This might seem trivial to you, but learning this really freed me of some things.
I started realizing at the beginning of the year that I can do anything I want. I don't mean that in an arrogant way either. I mean, I have the ability to do what I want. I can make decisions AND act on those decisions. This might seem trivial to you, but learning this really freed me of some things.
#23 Auburn football (war eagle.)
I bought student season tickets this year. However, it wasn't a good year to spend money on a thing like that. If you saw any of Auburn's games, you understand. It was still fun to be in the stadium and go crazy with my fellow fans. It truly is great to be an Auburn Tiger!
I bought student season tickets this year. However, it wasn't a good year to spend money on a thing like that. If you saw any of Auburn's games, you understand. It was still fun to be in the stadium and go crazy with my fellow fans. It truly is great to be an Auburn Tiger!
And that wraps it up! I bid farewill to 2012 now and welcome 2013 with open arms. There are some exciting things in the future, so stick around!
I pray blessings over your new year! May you see God in new ways and feel His presence more than you ever have!
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