Monday, March 4, 2013

I Heart Crafting

I've had some time on my hands lately (since I'm not working... it's pretty great!). So what else would I do besides craft?

Here is an update on what I've been doing. I hope you get inspired!

 This creation! I'm pretty proud.

I simply wrapped twine around bottles, gluing every so often. (I did the bottles sometime last year but I've finally found a purpose for them.) The "bird's nests" are made from strips of this AWESOME blue burlap twisted and spiraled on some felt which you cannot see. :) Then I just glued some pearls to the middle. Pretty cute, eh? 

"New" dress and jeans

 This was the dress I walked out in when leaving our wedding. Since I don't wear white too much, I decided to dye it. I was actually going for more of a mint-y green, but this color is growing on me a little. I might end up just dyeing it all a dark blue, but we'll see the reviews I get. My husband was a little sad that I dyed it, but seriously, I haven't worn it much. Maybe now, I will.

I have a couple pair of jeans that I thought I would like better if they were darker. I bought these capris already a light wash, and I've gotten a lot of wear out of them. So, I thought it was about time for a change. The dye ended up a little blotchy in places, but I actually like it. It gives them a grunge feel. 

New wreath!

This is now joyfully hanging on our front door. It's a little touch of spring without screaming pastels. That's what my sister said anyway. I also made the flowers and they are detachable so I can interchange them as the seasons change. 

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this episode of "I Heart Crafting". Tune in next time when I teach you how to sew your own slip covers... just kidding. That's ambious! You can learn that in your own time. :)


  1. Great post, Erin! You've certainly kept yourself busy. I just started spring break, have spent my morning on Etsy, and planning a trip to Hobby Lobby this afternoon! I love having time to craft! The wreath is adorable and I love that the flowers are detachable. Such a good idea!
    Your dress turned out a beautiful shade of green. Although it wasn't what you were going for, I think it's a color that would look lovely on you. I've always said I wanted to try to dye some of Jesse's faded pants back into "like new" condition, but never braved it. Maybe with your inspiration I'll pick up some dye today! Did you do yours in the washing machine?

  2. Thanks, Emma!

    I didn't do the dyeing in the washing machine because I used navy blue and black dye. I wasn't sure if those colors would come out after rinsing. But if you're feeling brave, go for it! :) I just heated up some water in a big pot on the stove and did it that way. Test the dye job on some old jeans first. Mine didn't turn out exactly like I wanted them, but they're still good for casual outings.
