Monday, September 10, 2012

The weekend (#21)

I had a great girl weekend. I spent it all with my friends from high school. It's so amazing how much we've changed and grown into ourselves. But we can still revert to our teen years and remember how silly and crazy we were. What got us together, you ask? A wedding, of course! My best friend in high school married her high school sweetheart. That's right, eight-ish years together. I couldn't be happier for them! Here's the highlights starting with Friday night:

Dinner & mustaches

                 Rayne & me                                                               Kaitlin & me

Beautiful centerpieces!

Yummy favors! (no one else sat at our table so we took more than one)

It's nice that I don't have to scramble over other girls to catch a bouquet anymore! :)

Isn't she radiant?!

And they lived happily ever after! I just love weddings.

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